Disewakan Gudang Pabrik Delta Silicon 1 Lippo Cikarang 3248 meter / 4060 meter dekat tol Cikarang Barat
Luas Bangunan : 3.248m²
Luas Tanah : 4.060m²
Harga Jual : 25 Miliar
Harga sewa : 55rb/m² atau 2.143.680.000/tahun
Pajak ditanggung masing² Penjual dan Pembeli.
Spesifikasi :
1. Building Area : 2.542m² In accordance with IMB / PBG
2. Land Area : 4.060m²
3. Owner : Company
4. Land use : factory
5. Layout : will be given after a letter of interest is received.
6. Building Permit : (IMB/PBG) : Already
7. Remaining years of land : validity period of 17 years
8. Type of Land Rights : HGB Expire 2041
9. Industrial access and restrictions in the park where it is located : Inside the Industrial area
10. Payment status of PBB for land and building taxes : Already paid
11. Has the owner fully paid the purchase price : paid off in cash
12. Is there any offset/legal dispute : No
13. Environmental permit : According to Lippo Cikarang Industrial area standards
14. Operating License :
Yes, according to the factory currently running
15. Lawsuit related situation : There isn't any
16. Left and right side height : 9m
17. Middle roof height : 12m
18. Electricity : PLN - Include genset
19. Rent Price : 55.000/m² flat to 3 years periode
20. Sale price : 25 Billion Rupiah.
21. Floor durability : 6 tons
22. Factory operations during this time: Race Steering / bearings for motorbike handlebars
spesifikasi Luasan pabrik
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